Orders are sent via 1st class delivery. It’s rare that damage occurs in transit but in the event that your order arrives damaged or does not arrive at all we will work with you to resolve the situation as soon as possible.
Orders are normally posted within 1 day of receiving the order and should arrive around 1-2 days after dispatch for the UK. If there is a delay in posting or an item is out of stock we will email you to let you know and of the estimated delivery date.
International orders will normally arrive within 5-10 days depending on the delivery country.
Please note there may be customs/import duties to pay at the destination country. We do not pay these and are the responsibility of the customer.
If you are not happy with your purchase you can return it within 30 days (in its original condition). Please email us and we will give you all the details you need to return. We can then give you a full refund or exchange it for another item. Either way we will do our best to make sure you are happy!